Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to put on my “tin foil hat” as it were and wonder if this is another attempt by the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to ratchet up tensions which plays into the hands of Bushco in an election year (I mean, he’s no stranger to doing that sort of thing, as witnessed here).
Also, this comprehensive article by Chris Floyd explains some tricky dealings between the Pope and the Bush family, Neil in particular, and their involvement with a Swiss management trust masquerading as a religious charity (a real potboiler of an article, I must say).
If it is truly the intention of this pope to act in accordance with an agenda that favors Bushco, then he must be called on it. Men and women of conscience should do no less.
Update 9/17: Fair enough...
Update 9/18: Despite how I feel about what the pope said, this sickening act of cowardice is worse than that beyond anything in my memory (it's hard to communicate my revulsion for shooting a 60-year-old nun in the back).
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