Sunday, September 16, 2007

Video Of War Protest Yesterday

My goodness, we certainly heard some bad language from those pro-war types (and by the way, chanting "USA" like that is a standard Bushco tactic for trying to shout people down who have an opinion that actually makes sense)...

...and here's more evidence (and attacking the camera person also; wow, these people are real brainiacs - I guess they "support our troops" so much that they want to see them keep getting killed and mutilated).


M.R.F said...

Dammit, Doomsy, they're pro-victory, not pro-war. V-I-C-T-O-R-Y. "USA, USA, USA, USA."

My question is: Why don't the pro-victory folks have their own rally, instead of justing showing up to yell + swear at other more informed, more concerned Americans?

doomsy said...

Because if they tried to do that, the people who bother to show up and yell would have nothing to do and would just stay home and watch Fox and also (probably) abuse their loved ones instead.

With no reason to generate negative energy, these people wither and die.