Did those who supported the resolution even bother to read the entire ad (here)?
Well, it doesn’t matter at this point. But let’s try to look at this another way.
Let’s do some math then, shall we?
Twenty two Democrats supported this sham. And I would contrast that number with the two million members of MoveOn.org.
This resolution insults two million people, and I would guess that just about all of us are either Democrats or independent voters of one stripe or another.
And we, all two million of us, are going to be hit upon by every Democrat who supported this at some point for purposes of re-election fundraising.
And it is my sincerest hope that all two million of us tell all twenty two of you to drop dead (and at this point, I don’t really care if a Repug wins the election instead; your vote tells me that, on the issues that matter – and what is bigger than the war? – you’re about the same anyway).
And I’m sorry; I refuse to give Jim Webb a pass because he tried to do the right thing on the amendment to allow our troops to stay at home for at least as long as the length of their deployment. He insulted all two million of us as well.
Two million versus twenty two, you cowards. And the battle has already begun.
Think about it (and do you even have to ask how Sideshow Bob Casey voted?).
Update 1: Jane H., via Atrios, has more (including the note that Chuck Hagel, who said that Petraeus' testimony was "a dirty trick on the American people," voted to censure MoveOn also...and it's a good thing for Wes Clark that he's sitting out this election).
Update 2: Keith Olbermann gets it, of course (h/t Atrios).
Update 3: Eric Boehlert gives a good analysis here of all this nonsense (Three million? Even better).
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