Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday Stuff

K.O. takes a shot at naming the 25 most financially corrupt politicians in our nation's history to see exactly how Rod Blagojevich matches up (this should be fun; sounds like Part 2 of 2 is coming tomorrow - I'll watch for it)...

…and by the way, this doesn’t have anything to do with politics, but it seems that a certain Dallas Cowboys wide receiver who once played for the Iggles is now mad at his quarterback (oh yeah, we know how this movie ends; sounds like “the bloom is off the rose” as compared to how it was when this video was filmed earlier this year, after Dallas lost a playoff game to the eventual Super Bowl Champion Giants)…

...Teeth ("Shooting Star"; yep, gotta dedicate this to T.O.)...

...and here's "Raging Rudolph" from "Mad T.V." to help us get into that holiday spirit ("you tawkin' to ME?").

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