Thursday, August 14, 2008

McBush Hopes For A “Prayer From The Faithful”

This post from Chris Bowers at Open Left reminds us that both all-but-named nominees for president will appear with The Rev. Rick Warren on Saturday at a forum in the “heartland” of Southern California (and I totally agree with Bowers’ interpretation of the implied intolerance in that label).

This is significant because, to their credit, some of the “fundies” who actually DO care about trying to better our world have had enough of getting pretty much ignored by the Repugs over the last eight years after they've voted, to the point where they are very much “in play” in this election, forcing McBush to try and win them over (should be fun – part of that is due to the fact that a bit of a split is taking place between older and younger Christians, with the latter trending towards Obama, as noted here).

As he attempts to do that, though, I’d be interested in hearing his explanation as to why he was apparently too busy to attend this “faith gathering” (or whatever you want to call it) earlier this year (and we can do a deal: if Obama doesn’t have to discuss Michael Pfleger or Jeremiah Wright, then McCain doesn’t have to discuss John Hagee or Rod Parsley, OK?).

Speaking for myself, though, if I were to hear Barack Obama speak at my church or if I were to see him in that vicinity, I would attempt to shake his hand and wish him the best, and that would be it. And that is because he is one of the last people who I would approach concerning matters of spirituality. And I don’t mean to snub him; whet he believes is what he believes, and the same goes for me, and that’s that.

He’s running for president and not the head of my church. And I just cannot understand why more people don’t get that simple fact.

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