Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Riding Shotgun With Deadeye Dick

As noted here, the Senate tried to withhold funding for Big Time’s “Fourth Branch” of government until he complied with an executive order that the Dems interpreted to mean that he must provide a report on how he handles classified information to the National Archives and Records Administration (here).

(Hmmm, would it be too much of a stretch to imagine that Cheney “handles classified information” by divulging it to his buddies at KBR/Halliburton, Bechtel and ConocoPhillips at his earliest opportunity?)

But upon hearing of the impending difficulty for his true boss here, Sen. Sam Brownback leapt into action immediately and stuck an amendment to a bill from the Senate Appropriations Committee reattaching the funding for Cheney’s office. The vote on the amendment was 15-14 in favor of Cheney’s funding, and you’ll never guess which gutless Dem cast the tiebreaking vote.

As noted previously, Ben Nelson supported the nomination of “Strip Search Sammy” Alito to the Supreme Court, voted to cut funds for Head Start, supports a Federal Marriage Amendment, and voted to end debate on the nomination of the now-happily-long-gone John Bolton as our ambassador to the U.N. What party does this guy belong to again?

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