Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Didn't Hafta Vote For CAFTA

(Sorry – I know, it was too easy)…

So our U.S. Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick spent yesterday telling us in the Bucks County Courier Times how much he opposed the fraud energy bill that the Repugs ramroded through the supine Congress a little while ago. How nice of him to be so selective in opposing the royal Bushco scam that is being foisted on all of us on a day-to-day basis.

(By the way, I would link to the story except for one problem. The Bucks County Courier Times has absolutely, without a doubt, the worst web site for a newspaper that I have ever seen. It is IMPOSSIBLE to find the story or column I want, though I usually can link to anything written by their Harrisburg correspondent, Alison Hawkes. I have a feeling that they’re trying to manage their content “on the cheap.” That is usually the reason and not the fault of a particular person.)

I’m not forgiving of Fitzpatrick because, among the other criminal acts brought to us by the individuals supposedly working on our behalf, he supported the Central American Free Trade Agreement, otherwise known as CAFTA. This fact was not ignored by David Sirota and Public Citizen (link one for information on the questionable votes and link two for more FTAA context), who to their credit are holding Fitzpatrick and others (including, sadly, some Dems in name only) accountable.

This analysis by Krystal Kyer also provides more information regarding the evils of this dreaded agreement, which will inevitably entail the loss of more jobs in this country as Central America becomes the new headquarters of offshoring in the ongoing effort of the investor class to forever pillage everyone but themselves.


Anonymous said...

Posted by Rachel Neumann at 3:13 PM on September 7, 2005. The American Family Association, an anti-gay anti-reproductive rights organization, wants to help hurricane victims, as long as the victims are ...
Learn how to garden indoors. Visit us at hydroponic growing today!

doomsy said...

Dear "Ms. Neumann,"

Please take your intolerant garbage somewhere else. I don't want to disable the capability for anonymous postings, but I will do so if I continue to receive comments from people such as yourself. Helping the Katrina victims is a good thing - kudos - but you should help yourself first if you hold the views you describe.