Monday, September 05, 2005

Unconfirmed, But Presiding Over All?

Uh, I'm no scholar in the process of confirming a Supreme Court judge, but doesn't this person have to be already sitting on the bench before he/she is named to be in charge?

Well, I hope this makes Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy and Sandra Day O'Connor happy (I guess O'Connor doesn't care at this point, though), because their perverse ruling (along with the late but not lamented - by me, anyway - Rehnquist) in Bush vs. Gore 2000 enabled the empty-suit-in-chief to take up residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I guess they were expecting Dubya to "scratch their back"...

(For the information of this "gang of four," I just did a Google search on "George W. Bush" and "Bait and Switch" and came back with 96,500 hits. There's a message there.)

George W. Bush isn't just egotistical beyond belief and totally ignorant of the workings of our government. He's certifiably nuts.

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