Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Whitewash Kicks Into Overdrive

Harry Reid is absolutely right about this face-saving PR gesture from Bushco and the Repugs in Congress (you may have to view a Dell PC ad before you can read this).

Oh, and Tom DeLay is suddenly such a statesman for suggesting the consolidated House-Senate Repug panel, isn’t he (the fact that HE suggested it should be the first clue that “the fix is in”).

And the Talking Points Memo Cafe has this illuminating moment with Larry Johnson and MSNBC.

Meanwhile, the ugly reality continues to deflect Bushco’s PR spin (and Greg Mitchell nails it also).

Update: "Mr. Rove says to tell those freeloader cancer patients to get with the program. The President needs a photo-op and he needs it now!"

(Thanks to The Raw Story...I can hardly wait to read any one of the books that are going to be written about this depressing fiasco.)

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