Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Pay Raise Redux

I thought this was a good column from Alison Hawkes of the Bucks County Courier Times regarding the after effects of the pay raise scam in the PA legislature, among other things.

I think a good consequence of this mess is that it has exposed the miscreants in Harrisburgh for what they are and revealed their slimy inner workings in the process, which is much worse than the actual pay raise issue itself.

Update 8/10: This is another good consequence.

Update 8/13: The Bucks County Courier Times reported that the budget just passed by the PA legislature, the one that contained the pay raises of course, did not restore $25 million in grants used by volunteer fire departments and ambulance services, who would of course be first responders in the event of another terrorist attack. Gee, greedy AND shortsighted with our safety, huh people? Nice.

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