Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sunday Stuff (updates)

So now that it looks like President Manchin (here) and Vice President Sinema are going to kill the rest of the Biden agenda, it looks like “winter is coming,” politically, in terms of the Repugs taking over Congress next year and putting our government on the fast track to authoritarianism (and believe me when I tell you how much I want to be utterly wrong about that...the clip discussed by John, Cenk and Farron Cousins is Bernie pretty much calling out the senators from West Virginia and Arizona...and boy, is Cousins right about Biden and the “bully pulpit”...and yeah, MSNBC is a “safe space” for Dems, but I still thought that was kind of a gratuitous shot at Rachel Maddow by Cenk towards the end)...

Update 1: FINALLY!!

Update 2: Good advice.

Update 12/20/21: Surprised he didn't mention this also when he appeared on Fix Noise to announce that he was torpedoing Biden's agenda.

...and Richard Ojeda of Rebel HQ responds to Goober Gohmert complaining about the alleged mistreatment of the 1/6 insurrectionists (cry me a freaking river, you f*cking traitors!)...

...and here are more seasonal selections to try and take my mind off this garbage.

...and now THE BOSS has sold his catalogue too? Ugh – I know he’s allowed, but still...

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