Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Tuesday Stuff

In case anybody still thinks that the Trumpsters somehow aren’t just the latest version of Republican insanity trying to force their agenda on the vast majority of this country, I give you this video from Farron Cousins telling us that certain alleged “thought leaders” in that party like Reaganite Ed Meese and former South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint want U.S. House Reps Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger expelled from the Republican Party, presumably because they haven’t shown the proper degree of fealty to Former Dear Leader Combover Caligula (and apparently, DeMint wrote an article - or had a staffer do it for him - with the headline that "Courage is Contagious," which is hilarious when you remember that DeMint bailed from the U.S. Senate to take a cushy gig at a right-wing think tank)...

...and David Doel tells us more about President Manchin saying he can’t support Build Back Better (announcing this on Fix Noise of course...mildly NSFW/H...and I respected Ilhan Omar anyway, but I REALLY respect her after this, more for the “life support” tweet...and apparently some Dem politicos and Bernie Sanders, God bless him, have made the rounds on MSNBC saying that Manchin and Biden are still talking...God, what an utterly pathetic spectacle!)...

...and I don’t think there could be a better transition to the latest Second Thought video about how political “moderates” really serve the right...the last minute or so of this may be the best part...and I’ll bet $10 that that video from AOC was clipped to totally misrepresent what she actually said...

...and gee, maybe we ought to do something about this climate change thing, huh (John I. tells us the latest grim news from Antarctica)...

...and I've got a few more seasonal selections as we get closer to the big day (depending on what you observe of course).

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