Monday, December 20, 2021

Monday Stuff

Emma V. and the Majority Report crew tell us that Melania Trump, fresh off decimating the Rose Garden, now allegedly has some new grift – I have to admit that I tried to ramp up as quickly as I could on what an NFT is, but it looks like (as the crew says) another typical Trump bait-and-switch where they’re trying to artificially inflate the value of something and then pull some kind of a “pump and dump” on it (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and this Lincoln Project ad reminds us who “the anti-cop caucus” really is (and by the way, Will Bunch, among others, has been doing a great job with recent reporting making it crystal clear that the Trumpsters wanted to goad Antifa into showing up on 1/6 so the insurrectionists could attack them and the Gropenfuhrer could overthrow the election results, declaring his own “Reichstag Fire” moment - there was even a #DontTakeTheBait hashtag circulating among Antifa around 1/6...if these treasonous monsters behind the 1/6 attack get another shot at this, they’ll try it again and actually make it work this time I’m afraid – can’t find a link to Bunch at the moment, but I’ll keep looking)...

...and I honestly wish I wasn’t on the Email distribution list of Repug PA U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, but somehow I ended up on such a list, and his most recent missive was titled “the true costs of the Democrats’ failed policies” featuring a screaming headline proclaiming that inflation is at its highest level in 39 years.

As much as I hate to acknowledge that Toomey is actually right about something, I should point out that that headline has been borne out by recent news stories (about the 39 years I mean). As for who is responsible, the majority of what I read tells me that this is a consequence of a lot of money (likely from not spending so much while we've been doing the COVID "shelter in place" thing that may never end) suddenly in circulation while our supply chain is restarting (more here). Reasonable people (including economists, a group to which I most definitely don’t belong) can disagree as to what to do about this (and inflation is global at this point, by the way), but I’d like to ask this question in response: does Toomey think it would be better had we not even bothered to do ANYTHING to help people displaced economically by the pandemic and let unemployment soar? I’m sure his answer is yes, which is why he can’t be gone from the U.S. Senate soon enough as far as I’m concerned (and actually, as long as we're talking about employment, how about giving Biden a little credit for this?).

All of this gives me an excuse to show this clip once more...

...and when it comes to helping people who need it for real, kudos to Meek Mill for this (I think YouTube censored the swear words)...

...and yeah, I've got more seasonal tunes all right - here they come.

...and does anybody have a bicarbonate of soda?

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