Thursday, December 23, 2021

Thursday Stuff

I thought Beau had a really good take here on what a certain Democratic U.S. Senator from West Virginia has done to our economy by opposing Build Back Better (“negative growth implications” for at least 9 months...”The Republicans and Senator Joe Manchin deleted $200 billion of economic growth”...THESE should be the lead headlines instead of all of the bloviating from people working at the news org’s with initials for names)...

...and David Doel tells us here that the UMWA has come our against Manchin for his BBB opposition...

...and Rachel Maddow discusses Wisconsin’s efforts to get their electors to support Mango Mussolini last year despite the fact that Biden won the state in the election...anybody who forged election paperwork should go to prison for a loooong time (and Repug state rep Kathy Bernier is a hero IMHO – more here)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about a South Carolina Republican city councilman who was attacked by someone in his own party when the councilman said that the Gropenfuhrer actually lost the election last year (the crazy will never stop with some of these life forms unless we find a way to deny them any political power at all, and at the moment, aside from doing all we can to encourage people to support Team “D,” I don’t know how else to do that...and on a somewhat related note, here is a story of a bit of seasonal insanity also...

...and I have a few more seasonal selections left to try and take our minds off this madness for a little while.

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