Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday Stuff (updates)

David Doel tells us about Elon Musk being named Person of the Year by Time, which, as far as I’m concerned, is yet another reason to never subscribe to that publication again (more here)...

Update: The Kentucky guy mentioned here would be a good candidate also.

Update 12/19/21: So would Eugene Goodman (here).

Update 12/29/21: Rut-row (here, in light of this).

...and this Don Winslow video cuts pretty much to the chase; name ANYBODY in Congress who reached out to Mark Meadows and Uday Trump Jr. during the 1/6 insurrection...

...and as long as we’re mentioning last January’s attempt to overthrow our government, David Pakman wonders why we haven’t heard from Ivanka (or Boy Wonder Jared also actually) in the flurry of text messages revealed earlier in the week and whether or not she should be the subject of congressional inquiry also (she’ll probably just deny everything of course, but I think the investigating committee should “rattle her cage” anyway)...

...and for a complete and total change of pace, I give you this...I’ve had this tune in my head for the last day or so since I saw this, but this is an absolutely bangin’ campaign ad; I don’t have a clue as to this goy’s politics, but this definitely gets my attention for sure...I think the dancing pig with the sombrero was my favorite (John and Abelina Sabrina tell us more)...

Update 12/20/21: AND HE WON!!! (here). And his conservative opponent peacefully conceded, and also didn’t file 60 lawsuits over alleged claims of fraud and try to stage an insurrection.

...and here are more seasonal selections that I think are pretty good, though they don't top the last clip :-).

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