Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sunday Stuff

While reporting the SCOTUS ruling having to do with Texas’s disgusting anti-abortion law, our utterly useless bought-and-paid-for corporate media has been leading with “Oh, it’s a split decision, because it’s allowing people to challenge the Texas law,” even though the SCOTUS allowed the awful law to stand instead of overruling it with the Roe and Casey precedents.

Uh, no. As noted in the Rachel Maddow clip below (and in the dissents of Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Chief Justice John Roberts, of all people), this ruling takes the concept of “nullification” to ever-more-absurd new depths.

However (as Maddow notes), as long as we have this precedent, let’s use it to pass anti-gun laws in blue states, offering “bounties” to have people arrested involved in straw gun purchases or those who may be selling automatic weapons at gun shows (like the Fort Washington, PA gun expo, or whatever that’s called, that happens every year). Also, we can offer “bounties” to have people arrested for protesting at Planned Parenthood sites.

Hey, you created this precedent that tramples all over the Constitution, wingnuts, not us!...

And good move by Gavin Newsom here (i.e., applying the Texas anti-abortion precedent to assault weapons in CA).

...and returning to our regularly scheduled plague, David Pakman tells us that COVID cases in the U.S. are spiking, as well as globally, but so far, it’s not tied to the Omicron variant; based on the data that admittedly is incomplete, hospitalizations and severity is tied to Delta...

...and with the prior clip in mind, Medhi Hasan tells us what the world is doing in response to the most recent COVID variants, including Delta and Omicron, and how our response is wanting by comparison (kudos to Hasan for emphasizing that, as a planet, we’re all in this mess together, and as he quite correctly points out, no one is safe until everyone is safe)...

...and RIP Mike Nesmith (here and here)...

...and I thought this was a great tribute by Ben Vaughn (as in, "The Many Moods Of...")...

...and here are more seasonal selections.

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