Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thursday Stuff

(If you click on the image, it's easier to see the wording...definitely fits.)

OK, last I checked, there was still a bit of wrangling going on about whatever package Congress may or may not pass to help people in dire straits related to COVID, as noted here ($900? $600? Really? That’s it??!!), both from a health perspective and economically – I don’t know anything about this commentator (NSFW/H at end), but he makes a great point about Stephanie Ruhle and that nonsense attack on Bernie Sanders...there are a lot of reasons why only 7 of 400-something bills that Sanders sponsored or possibly co-sponsored didn’t get signed into law, but again, since we’re talking about that allegedly scary socialist, there’s a different set of media rules...again, I don’t know anything about the guy in this video, but boy, is he right to lay the blame of the thus-far failed stimulus negotiations at the feet of Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao (I say the only reason why he cares about this at all is to try and help Perdue and Loeffler in Georgia)...

...and speaking of the January Senate contests, John and Frederick Joseph have more on GA's early voting, as well as Loeffler posing with the KKK guy...oopsie! (and this guy Joseph should assume ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about how the Repugs will or won’t turn out to vote – always assume worst case...I trust John’s instinct on this; to help Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, click here)...

...and David Doel tells us about this life form named Paul Alexander who was telling the HHS Department to push “herd immunity,” regardless of the costs (here); even if the hearings come after January 20th, we should have them over the catastrophic failure of the Trump regime in response to the COVID pandemic, and this guy should be front and center in the middle of everything...

...and I wanted to wring Gary Peters’ neck more than a few times over the last year (and as far as I’m concerned, he should make a pilgrimage to Detroit once a month since those folks saved his butt in November), but he did a good job standing up to that clown RoJo in that “kangaroo court” hearing on the election (here)...

...and here are more seasonal selections.

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