Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Stuff

Apparently, CNN’s John Harwood wrote a column alleging that Mango Mussolini may try to sink David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the Georgia special elections as a way to get back at Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao for the majority leader’s recognition of Joe Biden as president-elect; that’s a nice thought, but I don’t think we should assume anything and just support Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock as if we’re 10 points down at least (to do so, click here; Kyle K. has more – a brief NSFW/H moment)...

...and with the GA special elections in mind, this makes me wonder how the hell David Perdue was even elected to the U.S. Senate in the first place...

...and this clip from David Pakman gives us more information on the COVID-19 bill that is apparently still in the works (and again, the only reason Turtle McConnnell is making any noise at all about this is to try and influence the outcome in GA) should be beyond obvious by now that the Repugs absolutely don’t care if “the rabble” live or die, and as flawed as the Dems are, they have to operate on this thoroughly skewed playing field, which is that way primarily because of the south and west and rural voters (“being cheap is really expensive” indeed...interesting point about spending more $$ up front on relief that allows people to buy more in bulk and save $$ as well as doing a better job of controlling the COVID spread than we’ve done thus far)...

…and why does it not surprise me in the least that “No Corporate Tax” Pat Toomey (R-Elevator) managed to gum up the works, as noted here?...

...and in the matter of the COVID-19 vaccine, Rachel Maddow tells us that 71% of those polled want to be immunized, and of course the Trump White House just started working on some kind of communications plan a couple of days ago, apparently...heckuva job...yet another weird MSNBC video edit...oh, and since we’re talking about the cabal of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule, OF COURSE that means that they screwed up the rollout/delivery, as noted here...

...and I’m definitely not the biggest fan of Nicolle Wallace (a typical clunky intro from her to invoke Caribou Barbie, who Steve Schmidt helped back in the day), but apparently Schmidt is now officially a member of the Democratic Party...politics is full of people changing allegiances for whatever reasons – glad to have Schmidt on board...

...and here are more seasonal selections, including the Florin Street Band clip which was produced 10 years ago, believe it or not (only a week until the "big man" arrives...ho ho ho).

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