Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wednesday Stuff

The trail of ooze from Repug U.S. Senator David Perdue gets more odious by the day; to help Jon Ossoff running versus Perdue, along with the Rev. Raphael Warnock running to unseat the also-awful Kelly Loeffler, click here...

...and this “Now This” clip tells us about the wave of eviction notices set to go through the proverbial roof as of 12/31/20...and all the while, that death eater Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao chooses to do nothing...yet another reason to support Ossoff and Warnock in the GA special elections on 1/5/21...

...and Cenk and Ana tell us that longtime Repug fixer Bill Barr is out as the Gropenfuhrer’s AG; I think Cenk’s analysis here is pretty spot-on...thankfully the Biden vote was so huuuge, you might say, or else Barr and McConnell would have tried to find a way to fix the outcome, but that was a proverbial bridge too far, even for addition to Barr’s garbage related to the impeachment and the Mueller Report (and clearing out the Lafayette Square protestors so Combover Caligula could hold that Bible, badly), let’s not forget that Barr goes back also to covering up during Iran-Contra and the days of The Sainted Ronnie R...

...and though there have been plenty of examples of utter, disgusting cowardice in the antics after last month’s vote, a few people in my mind have stood tall; one is Gabriel Sterling in Georgia, and PA AG Josh Shapiro is certainly another one – so spot-on with his observations about getting rid of the electoral college (along with Joy Reid) and that ridiculous lawsuit by Texas AG Ken Paxton, which was just a stunt to try and wangle a pardon from Our Soon-To-Be-Departing Russian Operative of a *President...and don’t get me started on those 126 methane dispensers in the U.S. House Repug caucus that signed that equally seditious amicus brief, as noted here...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about the Parler idiocy in support of Our Orange Pustule, calling for a “civil war”...and please, by all means, they should boycott the GA elections in January to “own the libs”...and yes, I realize some of the people Cousins is talking about actually DO need help, but I think they also need to take a number and sit down while we deal with more immediate priorities, such as the crisis of separated families on our border...

...and Kyle tells us that Foxconn in Wisconsin (emphasis on “con,” apparently) went down the drain, with 13K promised jobs turning out to yield only about 231...

...well, in spite of all of this misery, I'm going to try and keep things upbeat somewhat with these seasonal selections, including a regional weather forecast - enjoy.

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