Monday, December 14, 2020

Monday Stuff

What a shame “Mitch’s Tears” weren’t for the people in this country losing their health and potentially their lives from the COVID plague, as well as those facing economic hardship and potential catastrophe; if you’re not a big “bundler” for Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao, then you don’t exist as far as he’s concerned (and once more, heckuva job, all you biped life forms in Kentucky who just sent him back to D.C. for six more years of utter misery – a related post is here)...

...and even when I disagreed with him, I always gave the late PA Senator Arlen Specter credit for letting everyday people tell their stories in his ads; I think Jon Ossoff is taking a page out of that book here (to help Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the January 5th Georgia runoff U.S. Senate election, click here...related posts on Warnock's opponent Kelly Loeffler are here and here.)...

...and this MSNBC report tells us about more violence encouraged by soon-to-be-departing Mango Mussolini (discussion with former FBI agent Clint Watts – yeah, tell me again what a threat Antifa is by comparison...once again, Brian Kilmeade of Fix Noise shows that he's dumber than a bag of rocks)..

...and Tiffany Cross and CBS Reporter Wesley Lowery tell us one thing Mango Mussolini apparently has a thing for now, and that is reviving federal executions, especially when minorities are involved (I admit that I've always been wishy-washy on the death penalty; I think it's generally applied poorly in this country, but I also don't feel like I have the right to tell a family or friends of someone who has been murdered in a crime that they don't have the right to seek that as a remedy...and after the Dems were apparently flummoxed in the 2020 elections over "defund the police" - again, I think that's a terrible slogan, but they should have been prepared for the push-back - I don't think you'll see them come anywhere near this issue, and we KNOW where Republicans stand on this)...

...and RIP country music legend Charley Pride, another COVID casualty (here)...

...and here are more seasonal selections (starting with a guy who I'm sure crossed musical paths with Pride back in the day).

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