Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saturday Stuff

CNN and Jake Tapper report on the recent hacking into our infrastructure by the Russians, which, when all is said and done, may turn out to be the more important “Russia-gate,” if you will (“The into everyone’s home,” according to Dem U.S. House Rep Jim Himes...terrific – I think Himes is a pretty bright guy and I generally trust him; THIS should be the big news story, you might say, as opposed to Toomey, RoJo and other stupid Republicans quibbling over whether people out of work from COVID should get a $600 or a $900 payout...about the bounties Russia allegedly put on our troops – the last I heard on that was that it wasn’t substantiated by our military leadership, which is good I’ll admit, so I’m not sure why Himes is mentioning that now – not a time to score political points given a story of this magnitude, even at the expense of Combover Caligula)...

...and once more, to support Jon Ossoff running against the corrupt David Perdue, and Raphael Warnock running against the at-least-just-as-bad Kelly Loeffler, click here...

...and it sounds like the SCOTUS recently took a pass on the Trumpian garbage policy of trying to deduct undocumented immigrants from the census; the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR dismissed a challenge to Trump’s awful policy in an unsigned opinion with Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor dissenting (I’m sure we’re likely to see a lot of 6-3 decisions like this...hopefully this Trumpian idiocy will be overturned by the incoming Biden Administration)...

...and under the heading of acrimonious presidential transitions, I though this was an interesting Rachel Maddow segment about the handoff between Herbert Hoover and FDR...

...and here are more seasonal selections.

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