Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday Stuff (updates)

I have to tell you that I think the people at Media Matters (who continue to do God's work) pulled off something amazing here, and that was to capture all of these utterly inglorious moments from the recent CPAC meeting over at their "County Fair" blog; because I don't know if they're going to maintain this collection of all of these wretched videos in one place, I thought I would do so here (no, I'm not a masochist)...

Limbaugh mocks "the voice of the new castrati"...

Gregg Jarrett claims Limbaugh and Hannity "not low brow," "exciting for a great many Americans to listen to"...

Presenting award, author Brad O'Leary tells CPAC: "the only way we will be successful is if we listen to Rush Limbaugh" (and somehow I can't imagine that Benjamin Franklin, were he alive, would communicate anything but loathing and disgust to these asshats)...

Limbaugh calls CBS' Rodriguez (Maggie, I believe) an "anchorette," then corrects to "anchor," citing his "women's summit[s]"...

At CPAC Coulter says of MSNBC: "Is there any other station where every host you know was at the alternative prom?"...

Maker of anti-global warming film claim that Al Gore wants to stop her "Auntie Ursula" from flying...

Limbaugh on bipartisanship: "Where is the compromise between good and evil? Should Jesus have cut a different deal?"...

Limbaugh compares "hop[ing] President Obama fails" to his wanting AZ Cards to fail in Super Bowl...

Limbaugh at CPAC: Dems "offering welfare checks to women to keep having babies"...

Limbaugh at CPAC: Dems "don't have the right to take money ... from the back pockets of producers and give it to groups like ACORN"...

Limbaugh says he has Stalin for security because liberals won’t attack for fear of “offending Stalin”...

At CPAC, former MSNBC contributor Niger Innis says environmentalists "must be swept into the ash heap of history just as Jim Crow was"...

Bennett at CPAC: "[O]ur critics, the so-called sophisticates" have had "disdain" for patriotism...

Emceeing, (David) Bossie says Coulter is "always one of the highlights" at CPAC, "everyone enjoyed" remarks...

Coulter proposes raising the voting age to 40...

Coulter suggests she might let three U.S. cities be bombed, depending on which cities they are...

Coulter at CPAC: Obama is most likely to "have poison put in his coffee by Hillary"..

...and let's not forget this also, by the way.

Finally, this video is not a clip from CPAC, but Keith Olbermann interviewing Janeane Garofalo on "Countdown" the other night about Flush Limbore's supposed "women's summit" (I swear, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried).

Update 1 3/1/09: Oh, and here's more nonsense from Flush.

Update 2 3/1/09: Good point here from Digby about a certain former president who was thoroughly ignored - can't imagine why of course (h/t Atrios).

Update 3 3/1/09: Yo, Flush, you keep us all posted on how that whole "cleaning our clocks" thing goes that you're talking about here, OK? Too funny...

Update 1 3/2/09: Try going on his show and saying this, Steele.

Update 2 3/2/09: As predictable as flatulence after indigestion (here - tee hee).

Update 3 3/2/09: Sounds like game, set and match to me (here).

Update 4 3/2/09: Steele and Limbore toss up the softball, as it were, and Tim Kaine hits it about a mile here.

Update 3/6/09: Keep it up, Flush - you're doing a good job of driving even more voters over to the Dems here.

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