Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Tuesday Stuff

I don't know who else besides me noticed the hit piece that Michael Scherer of Time wrote on Minnesota's new Democratic Senator Al Franken today (you mean, Franken did things in his past that he regrets??!! OMIGOD!!!), completely lacking in perspective and without any substance at all on the matter of Franken's political activity to date (even calling Franken an "intellectual terrorist"? Give me a frackin' break!!), but to provide some semblance of balance, I think it's best to provide testimonials from two very important women in Franken's life (see, he isn't some juvenile hippie comedy writer and entertainer, at least not any more - this was somewhat more balanced).

The first is from his wife Franni here...

...and the second is from former New York senator and soon-to-be Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...

...more "Bushed" scandals from K.O. (via YouTube, since MSNBC's videos are hosed because of garbage code): Interior Secretary "Dirty Dirk" Kempthorne adds $235K worth of upgrades to the bathroom of his office, on our dime of course - wonder how happy Ken Salazar will be with that?; more on "Bomb 'Em" Bolton and "Torture Yoo" calling for the Senate to reclaim some prerogative after being emasculated along with the rest of Congress by this ruling cabal; and speaking of which, "Deadeye Dick" claims that "keeping us safe after 9/11" was Bushco's biggest accomplishment - gee, how about keeping us safe ON 9/11, HUH??!!)..

...Pawnshop Roses ("Gets So Hard," recorded at the Grape Street Pub in nearby Manayunk, Pa. - just a tad Dylanesque?).

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