Monday, December 03, 2007

Re-Legitimizing A Fraud

I don’t know about you, but at this point, I’ve just about had it up to my eyes with James Carville.

Yes, I know, in another time, he ran a winning campaign for Bill Clinton in legendary fashion. That’s pretty much been immortalized at this point.

But this tells us that he will be (probably “has been” by now) one of the guests on the Don Imus radio show, which returns today with (thankfully) a much smaller profile.

I don’t really care what John McCain does (I mean, is he pretty much anything besides a foil for Ron Paul at this point?), but for Carville, this is in keeping with his “both sides of the fence” strategy of trying to replace Howard Dean as head of the Democratic National Committee with Tennessee Senate candidate Harold Ford here (Ford eventually became head of the Democratic Losers Leadership Council), as well as Carville’s recent appearance on CNN as a debate analyst without the disclaimer that he was working for Hillary Clinton (who, by the way, at least has the good sense to avoid the Imus program).

Imus has fallen from his pedestal due to self-inflicted wounds. Instead of giving him an assist, he deserves nothing but another gun so he can shoot himself in the foot all over again.

Update 1 12/03/07: OK, so I guess I was hoodwinked here since Carville wasn’t on after all, but in a way, I wish he had been (and Carville will probably end up appearing anyway); as great as Chris Dodd has been standing up for our Constitution, it absolutely blows my mind to see how tone deaf he can be to actually say “welcome home” to this cretin.

Update 2 12/04/07: Wow, and a shot at Babs too? Class move, Chris. Have fun losing the nomination.

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