Thursday, December 06, 2007

It Truly Never Ends

Regarding this post, we have the following CNN headline today to yet another opinion column brimming with "good news for Republicans" (that is, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's plan to freeze interest rates on "some 2 million troubled mortgages" - Atrios clarifies this here).

Update: I don't know how this supposedly wonderful plan of Dubya's is going to "boost the GOP" when he tells people the incorrect phone number to call for assistance (here).

Also, here are two (more) quick updates:

- It looks like The Mittster FINALLY gave that speech of his on religion, and Kagro X sums it up here (a follow up to this post).

(Update 12/07/07: Len Hart shames us with typically awesome posts like this, but we're all the better for it...tons of great information to digest).

- This is the best analysis I’ve read to date of Dubya’s latest NIE follies (there's a reason why a Google search for George W. Bush and the phrase "bait and switch" returns 108,000 hits, people).

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