Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another Reason To Boot Him Out?

It turns out that (according to Atrios here), President Clouded Vision was checked by a physician for symptoms of Lyme disease a year ago (apparently, he might have picked it up while he was bicycling in the Maryland woods – I mean, he might as well engage in physical activity since anything mental would probably be too challenging for him).

Aside from the fact that, as Atrios says, we should have known about this long before now, Dubya should be monitored for this frequently. Lyme disease is not something that you can get rid of by applying an analgesic cream or regular doses of Robitussin or something like that. It can turn into a serious neurological disorder.

All you have to do is read about the sad case of Fraserburg university professor Alasdair Crockett (here) to know what’s at stake. And if I wonder whether symptoms may have progressed affecting what precious little good judgment he actually has, I promise I’m being serious.

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