Monday, July 02, 2007

Told Ya'

What else can we expect from “The Decider,” an individual who continually believes that he is above the law? Who continually believes that Congress and the courts exist only to execute his dictates?

(I realize I might as well be talking about Darth Cheney also, but for now, I’m referring to Dubya.)

Yep, I saw this coming (probably a lot of other people also, and as CNN notes, Libby may be pardoned outright anyway).

(Here's the statement roundup from Atrios - I think the phrase "clinically incapable" from Edwards is apropos.)


Anonymous said...

Reading the comments of the members of congress I conclude they are gutless and selfish for not bringing impeachment charges against this president. They won't do it because they are more focused on taking power via the 2008 election. This is wrong. The president has caused much harm to our country, and is clearly spitting in the face of the law.
I am wondering if there is any hope in the appeals process that Fitz refers to in his statement.

doomsy said...

I think HRC and Obama share a measure of blame here; it's plain that their strategy is to let all of this play out in as insufferable a manner as possible in order to keep their lead on their laughable Repug opposition, though I should never underestimate the stupidity of people who think these characters (notably Giuliani and the taller Thompson of the "twins") as well as the dog-trapping "Mittster" are viable alternatives.

I think the real focus of blame here, though, should be aimed at Pelosi and the House, since she said that impeachment was "off the table" as soon as she took over. I think she's done a lot of good, but she was presumptuous as hell in that moment, especially since former rep Cynthia McKinney's impeachment resolution had already been introduced.

Thanks for checking in.