Thursday, July 05, 2007

This Flag's Not For Sale

This story appeared not only here at the Times of London but all over yesterday, timed for July 4th of course. It has to do with the movement to fly only flags made in this country as opposed to China, with Minnesota getting ready to enact what appears to be the strictest law in the country; if you fly a non-American made flag in that state, you could be subject to a penalty of a $1,000 fine or 90 days in jail (I think that’s a bit excessive, but you would hope that a judge would show leniency in a circumstance where someone made a well-intentioned mistake).

The story notes that there is legislation along these lines pending in Pennsylvania. That would be PA State House Bill 1317, which is noted here.

I definitely support the movement (can you call it that?) to fly only U.S.-made flags, but again, I hope we would be sensible about punishing people who don’t (and somehow I think law enforcement has more pressing matters to attend to, but the principle here is important).

And this story gives me an excuse to go on my jag about people not flying the flag on Memorial Day or July 4th; I know people are on vacation and can’t do so, but plenty more people aren’t who can, but don’t.

So, as a gesture of old-fashioned patriotism from this seemingly godless, unkempt, ingrate liberal blogger, I’d like to present the following from Mr. Francis Albert Sinatra, a song about everything the flag embodies to me whenever I see it waive, particularly on July 4th (and yes, that’s Walter Cronkite getting all choked up, which is totally understandable as far as I’m concerned).

Update: Sorry about that...I just found out the video is no longer available a minute ago.

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