Friday, July 06, 2007

Run Yourself, You Traitor

I haven’t taken a nice, healthy swing at Joe Lieberman in a long time, so he’s due (especially based on this column).

There are so many reasons to despise this man, but one that comes readily to my mind is what he has done to the meaning of the word “independent” by virtue of his very political existence. I never knew it to mean “outcast,” “contagion” or “pariah” before until he began his “me, myself and I” act after getting turned out as the CT Democratic senate standard bearer by Ned Lamont last year.

And now, he’s acting like he may support a Repug for president as opposed to a Dem? What else can we expect from someone who helped raise money for fellow party senator Susan Collins of Maine (and how funny is it that, as a result, her Dem opponent Tom Allen ended up with a higher total from his own matching fundraiser competing with hers?).

I think the only way this man could actually make anyone besides our corporate media and we blogger types who give him his periodic smack pursuant to his status as a political piñata care about him would be if he actually ran for the “big chair” himself. And never mind that New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is making plans to do that as a third-party candidate – Joe’s ego is just sooo big that he wouldn’t let a trivial detail like that stand in his way.

So run, Joe. It will give many more Americans the opportunity to examine your vile war cheerleading and conduct as a cushy Beltway insider and thus heap further scorn upon you far into the future (along with this guy, another “kindred spirit”).

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