Thursday, July 05, 2007

I Almost Agreed With You, Mitt

And as long as I’m posting on that which is near and dear to us as Americans, let me pay tribute to something else that is vital to our lives (some would say), and that of course would be "pron" (have to watch it with those darn Google keywords - that is, I'd agree with him if "The Mittster" still believed now what he once believed when he worked for Marriott).

This story notes that Repug presidential candidate Willard Mitt Romney has run afoul of high-profile tightasses Tony Perkins, James Dobson and others because it turns out that Romney allowed smutty movies to be shown at Marriott Hotels when Romney served as chairman of the audit committee from 1992 to 2001.

(With all of the problems facing our country and the world, it’s almost funny that these clowns obsess about this stuff.)

And rest assured that I would only be laughing about it if it weren’t for these dunderheaded remarks by Romney appearing at the end of the story (with Romney in full backpedaling mode over the Marriott brouhaha)…

Romney linked the prevalence of pornography to the Virginia Tech shooting spree that left 33 dead.

"Pornography and violence poison our music and movies and TV and video games," Romney said May 5 during a commencement address at Regent University, the evangelical Christian school run by Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson.

"The Virginia Tech shooter, like the Columbine shooters before him, had drunk from this cesspool."
Gee, Willard Mitt, it’s a funny thing; I never heard of anyone dying from trying to jack off (and I’m not talking about autoerotic asphyxiation; nobody ever took one or more people with them anyway even if it went horrifically wrong). I’m not at all sure that the no-doubt-still-grieving family and friends of the victims of the Virginia Tech shooter would appreciate your trivializing their deaths by saying that they resulted from one sick person’s overexposure to our admittedly-at-times fouled culture.

And as far as we know, Cho Seung-Hui never tortured his dog either, so I think that gives you even less of a reason to dump on anyone else.

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