Thursday, March 01, 2007

Al Gored By Global Warming Wingnuttia

Hackmeister Jack Kelly of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette attacked Al Gore today in the pages of the Bucks County Courier Times, citing fellow denialists at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and various other individuals refuting global warming science, which I would consider to be pretty sound at this point (I’ve posted about global warming many times, including here and here, and I also refuted Kelly’s fellow shill Suzanne Fields recently here).

Also, David Roberts of HuffPo explodes the supposed controversy over what is alleged to be Gore’s own inefficient energy use here (the quote from Churchill about a lie getting halfway around the world before the truth puts its pants on comes to mind).

Also, I’d like to point out some things which I’ve been wondering about for some time.

The point of the whole discussion (which should no longer be a debate at this point) about global warming is to encourage cleaner energy, development and funding of mass transit alternatives and reduced use of fossil fuels.

Given that, I’d like to ask the global warming denialists this question: even if global warming was not in fact taking place, why shouldn’t we be doing that anyway? Why do you continue to encourage dangerously inefficient use of our energy resources?

Not that I would expect intelligent answers from Kelly (who I posted about previously here), though what else can you say about someone who wrote these malicious and highly incorrect words (from the Gore column)…

“For liberals, sacrifices are something other people make.”
I’ll tell you what: read the headline from this story and note the date and ask me how it is that Kelly is granted column space for anything except supermarket tabloids.

Finally, here is a YouTube video for "An Inconvenient Truth."

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