Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesday Cleanup Stuff

I’ve been meaning to get to these items, and now seems to be as good a time as any.

- This is an absolute must-read column from Paul Craig Roberts (dated today…I try not to call things “must reads,” but it really is true in this case).

- Also, do you remember Carlton Sherwood, the “filmmaker” who concocted this anti-Kerry piece of propaganda in 2004 called “Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal” which was bankrolled by The Sinclair Group, and Sherwood’s subsequent defamation lawsuit against Kerry and John Podesta, who ran the Kerry PA campaign?

Well, the judge threw out the lawsuit a week or so ago. Of course, the original news of the lawsuit received a lot more play than the story of the suit’s dismissal, so Sherwood accomplished a lot of what he set out to do from a propaganda point of view, unfortunately.

- Two book recommendations: “Take This Job and Ship It: How Corporate Greed and Brain-Dead Politics Are Selling Out America,” by Sen. Byron Dorgan, and “The Producer: John Hammond and the Soul of American Music,” by Dunstan Prial (I plan to start reading both as soon as I can).

- Also, according to CNN, Rick Santorum has closed his polling deficit (as opposed to his MANY OTHER deficits) against Mr. Casey Jr. to single digits. This is a cause for concern, but you have to dig down into the story to find out that it’s because some Casey votes are being siphoned off to the Green Party candidate who the Repugs are bankrolling.


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