Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's Always The Way

So, this is the result of Bushco’s encouragement of the Israelis in their war with Hezbollah (I’m sure Dubya probably told Ehud Olmert to tell Sheik Nasrallah to “bring it on”).

I’ve done some searching today and found some of the typical warmongering verbiage out there among the winger sites (including that fine Christian man Dr. Earl Tilford of Grove City College, who does all he can to perpetuate the conflict by writing inflammatory essays from the safety of the halls of academia – “proportionality” my ass).

This, however, is from TBogg via Atrios. And I don’t know who or what “Blackfive” is, but if the proprietor of this site had any guts whatsoever, he, she, them or it would be off in some newly-bombed Mideast location practicing what they preached (and trying to avoid approximately half a million land mines in southern Lebanon according to the Yahoo news story).

Update: I missed the fact that "Blackfive" is, by all accounts, a milblog. I'll remember that and see if I feel any less disgusted as I view photos online of slaughtered kids as a result of the carnage we have either encouraged or actually inflicted ourselves in the Middle East.

And by the way (speaking of bombing a foreign country into the Stone Age), I meant to mention this earlier, but 33 years ago today, Richard Nixon halted the bombing of Cambodia during the Vietnam War, and all that did was hasten the rise of the Khmer Rouge to power and usher in genocidal slaughter, so maybe we should rethink this whole "bombing" thing in this country, you know?

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