Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday Repug Lowlights

So Sen. John Warner voted in favor of amnesty for Iraqis who kill our troops because he wanted the Iraqi people “to take this decision unto themselves, and make it correctly”?

Has this man grown senile?

As Carl Levin so accurately pointed out, it’s apparently not enough that over 2,500 of our soldiers have died for this fiasco. Now, we can’t even stand behind them enough to punish their murderers?

Also from the “Big Brother Is On The March” department, we have a choice outburst from Rep. Peter King of New York, who wants Bushco to prosecute the New York Times for publishing the story that our government is now “secretly monitoring the financial transactions of suspected terrorists.”

There’s no other way to say this; King is an idiot for defending this failed regime.

As I and others have said many, many, many, many, MANY times, if Bushco really wanted to play ball with our system of due process, it could go get an order to conduct surveillance from a court, and I somehow don’t think it would have a problem with extending that order for as long as necessary. But the simple fact is that they don’t want to do that because they don’t want to govern; they want to rule. It has been that way and it will ALWAYS be that way as long as they are in power (and I have a suggestion for what Dubya can do with that finger, by the way, but I really am trying to watch it with the swear words).

Warner is not up for election this year in Virginia (his fellow Repug George Allen is, and to help Allen’s Democrat opponent Jim Webb, click here), but King is running in New York, and here’s more information on his potential opponents. I haven’t been able to find web sites for either David Mejias or Jim Brown, but if I do, I’ll link to them from here.

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