Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Watching The Freepers Eat Each Other

I know the immigration debate/ shouting matches/ protests currently raging reflect the fact, in part, that people are in this country quite probably in violation of the law, and their struggle to earn a wage and live something like a life better than that they’re trying to escape from should earn a degree of respect. I also understand and sympathize with other related human costs from all of this (such as the money they bring home to their families across the border from their jobs in this country, trying to obtain medical coverage for themselves and their dependents, etc.). More than that, though, it angers me to see that this mess was created by employers acting in violation of the law by hiring these people without proper verification of U.S. citizenship.

All that being said, though, I should point out that I think the political aspects of this are hilarious.

Dick Polman of the Inquirer has stopped harping on “the divided Democrats” theme (which has a bit of truth, unfortunately – Kos is right; these “Third-Way” losers like Paul Begala and Rahm Emanuel should just take a nice payoff and retire to a think tank somewhere) long enough to write two good columns recently; one on the Repugs “Fear And Smear 2006” campaign strategy, and this one today on Dubya’s attempt at placating “the base” over his immigration show.

So Dubya’s losing the support of his fellow cretins on this issue, huh? He’s trying to stop “the right’s flight”? I have only this reasoned and thoughtful response:


Aw, you’ve been “played” again by Bushco, haven’t you? And you’re only realizing that now?

Get this through your heads, you so-called “values voters”; when it comes to your party's interests for real, pro-business Republican conservatives will always win out over you! And who exactly are you people supposed to “run to,” anyway? Hillary Clinton? Or is Pat Robertson going to try and run for president again (oh, please do, Pat…we lefty bloggers will love you for it; my God, you’ll be a “quote machine” EVERY SINGLE DAY!).

This excerpt from Polman’s column today was worth a chortle, I thought.

Bush had barely finished last night before the conservative blogosphere went to work on him. Kathryn Jean Lopez, a regular on the National Review Web site, dismissed him as "more Mr. Rogers than commander in chief." Invoking the macho star of TV's 24, she declared: "Get me Jack Bauer."

In fact, Bush was getting hammered even before he spoke. One antagonist was David Frum - the former Bush speechwriter who helped coin the phrase axis of evil. On his blog yesterday, Frum argued that sending the National Guard to the border was empty symbolism, designed "to buy the president some respite from negative polls... . That's pretty shabby politics. It's also pretty dumb politics - so dumb that it raises a question: Could the president possibly want the GOP to lose in November 2006?"

And last night, having just listened to Bush's address, Frum concluded: "This will be one of those rare presidential speeches that drives the president's numbers down, not up."
That’s too funny (and thanks for saving me some work).

How quickly you spoiled little babies turn on each other when you don’t get EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT EVERY STINKING TIME.

Despite how I feel about this administration and its handlers, I have to admit some grudgingly respect because they found a way to patch together enough of a coalition to get the politicians and judges installed who will favor them and their agenda (the long, hard slog of trying to undo their dirty work will be the topic for many other posts, I’m sure).

But for now, it looks like it’s all going down in flames, and it’s truly a treat to watch.

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