Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'd Say This Qualifies

Here’s the latest from Ann Coulter:

When will we become as outraged over 2,000 body bags and 20,000 injured service personnel, besides the havoc we have wreaked on the poor souls of Iraq, as we were by the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky affair, two consenting adults? (sic)

When do we start calling for Bush and Cheney’s impeachment, two of the most evil, lying, corrupt people who have ever been the leaders of a free world? If they’re in power three more years we might not stay free. They make Nixon look like Tinkerbell. When do we demand an exit strategy, not more rhetoric?
I should point out that this was a Letter To The Editor that appeared in the Bucks County Courier Times this morning written by Ann Coulter of Bensalem, Pa., not by that other person of the same name.


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