Thursday, September 15, 2005

The "Cheesed Off" Congressman

According to The Daily Kos yesterday, Repug Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin was one of eleven of his fellow heartless party members who voted against an emergency aid package for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

This, sadly, is in keeping with a general pattern of behavior for this guy, as documented in this column from a couple of months ago (realizing that Peter Rodino once chaired the House Judiciary Committee with Sensenbrenner now following in Rodino’s footsteps, as Van Deerlin points out, makes me realize just how far we have fallen).

One thing Van Deerlin neglected to mention was that Sensenbrenner is one of these guys who regularly goes after the entertainment industry in an effort to get it to “clean up its act.” In another context with a less extreme agenda, I might actually applaud what he's trying to do. However, his agenda IS extreme. Sensenbrenner is a typical right-wing zealot who wants us to watch nothing but inoffensive pap that rates his approval (think of the 24-hour "Full House" channel, with "news" breaks from Fox on the half hour).

I think somebody in this story needs to cut back on their consumption of dairy products. It might lead to a whole new outlook on life.

Update 1: Courtesy of The Al Franken Show, here is a link to the official record of how the Senate voted on the legislation to establish a commission to investigate the Hurricane Katrina disaster (Scumbag Santorum's "Nay" vote was expected, but Arlen Specter has some explaining to do...this doesn't sound like "the people's business" to me, ladies and gentlemen.)

Update 2: Concerning the vote mentioned above, John at AMERICABlog is "all over it."

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