Friday, August 05, 2005

Long Gone From Trinity

This is probably the most solemn of days for the people of Hiroshima, Japan, and we should extend our prayers and sympathies to the survivors and their families. They show great honor and respect in remembering their history, a lesson many of us in this country definitely need to learn on a continual basis.

However, I firmly believe that we should not apologize. Unlike the current quagmire in Iraq, we did not start World War II. However, we finished it using a weapon the Axis powers would have used on us had they had it themselves.

1 comment:

doomsy said...

Thanks. I added my site to yours. However, I tried to link back to yours from mine, but I couldn't get any of your graphics to appear. If you have some code that will let me do that, please Email it to me. Thanks.