Thursday, August 04, 2005

Bridge of Waste, Piggyback Dems, Etc.

The Al Franken Show blog has a story on the $223 million “Bridge To Nowhere” in Alaska, first documented in the Houston Chronicle, a monument to “pork” brought to us by the so-called “party of fiscal restraint” (see “Porky’s Revenge”).

Also, I had to laugh as I read comments from Rahm Emanuel and John Kerry in the CNN story about the vote in the U.S. Congressional election in Ohio, in which Repug Jean Schmidt won over Paul Hackett by a 52-48 percent margin. Both of these guys said they would have invaded Iraq even if there were no WMD! Yeah, they really represent me…sure they do (after Kerry said that during the election last year, he was at least half cooked at that point). You guys acted like you didn't even know Paul Hackett was running until it started to get close.

Paul Campos's latest column, by the way, is a well-deserved attack on obscene oil company profits. A link to his columns appears under "Great Writers."

Also (in the "speaking truth to power" department), this link tells the courageous story of Sister Rosalie Bertell of Lower Makefield, Pa. I thought it was great reading (have to scroll down slightly on the page).

Finally, I thought this item from The Huffington Post was interesting reading also (and I responded to the first two commenters and their stupid remarks…sorry to call them names, but the descriptions fit – I try to live in the “reality-based community,” as opposed to those zealots.)

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