Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Who's Gonna "Shoot" J.R.?

(Sorry for the dated '80s reference.)

We'll find out more about this guy John Roberts in the coming hours and days, of course, but I look at it this way: he must have done a circle jerk with James Dobson or one of these characters at some point, or he never would have made it this far.

I have two quick notes. The first is that (and I hate to admit this) Bushco foxed the punditry again (not hard to do, really), probably by floating disinformation about Edith Brown Clement (Ruthie Ginsberg may get lonely at times...oh well). The second is that Santorum has gone on record as saying that this guy is "brilliant," which is a really scary red flag. USA Today also reported this morning that Roberts argued against Roe v. Wade. Oh, fun...

This is about what we could have expected from Bushco, really. No compromise, no middle ground...nothing. Still, though, I think Harry Reid played it the right way by sounding conciliatory, for now.

Update: According to David Sirota's blog, Roberts was also a Bushco "shock troop" (my quote) during the 2000 Florida recount fiasco. This is starting to reek more and more...

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