Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Chris Hayes makes the case that the Dems need to win convincingly this fall, mainly because of that relic called the electoral college that gives an advantage to the south and Midwest in this country that works in favor of Repugs, as well as the garbage taking place on election boards across this nation in which they’re preparing not to certify a (hopefully) Harris-Walz win...I would say that the “compare and contrast” clips between Kamala Harris and Cantaloupe Capone speak volumes...

...and Miss Beau gets a bit POed (commendably) about Our Ochre Abomination’s claim about what was left behind from our Afghanistan withdrawal, as well as #45’s nonsense about no troops being shot at in 18 months, or some such idiocy – once more, I give you this in response...

...and concerning the VP nominee on the Repug ticket, I just want to revisit the DNC briefly to focus on the speech from John Russell of More Perfect Union (an MPU clip follows later), with Russell being an actual Appalachian, as opposed to the alleged couch f*cker (with Jordan Uhl, Sharon Reed and Yasmin Khan), I’m sure Sharon Reed wasn’t trying to be complimentary by calling Vance the “master of the pivot”; Vance isn’t a “master” of anything...and boy, that was some long-winded instruction from the “old gray lady” on how to cover Vance; wonder if they’d consider issuing instructions like that for a Dem? You know, like “when pronouncing the Dem presidential nominee’s first name, emphasize the first syllable,” and, “She didn’t actually allow MS-13 gang members into the country, despite Trump’s ads to the contrary”...somehow I think I already know the answer to that one...

...and despite what David Pakman is inferring here, I honestly don’t think that Vance will get dumped for RFK Jr (the latter just suspended his campaign)....good job by Pakman to lead in with the snarky stuff against the “brain worm” guy...I know I shouldn’t feel a shred of pity for Jr., but the stuff he’s talking about is so bonkers and not connected to anything remotely resembling politics in this country that I can’t help but feel a bit of sorrow, mainly for the fact that Jr. has so effectively driven a wedge into his storied another context, his discussion about puberty rates could be useful, but not in any way when it comes to running for the White House (I’ve read that there are chemicals in our water that are a factor on that, but again, not useful stuff when running for the most important job in the country, if not the world)...

...and John Russell is back with this More Perfect Union clip on Elliott County, Kentucky – I mean no disrespect to the man who says quite rightly that Andy Beshear earned his vote, but quite wrongly adds that Joe Biden didn’t (another Dem screwup on messaging IMO), but those two opinions don’t make logical sense to me, especially considering this (Elliott County is on that list)...and I give Beshear credit for going back to the “FDR playbook,” which is what Dems should be doing EVERYWHERE as far as I’m concerned...

...and I now give you today's regional weather forecast.

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