Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Stuff

Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report informs us that even some conservatives were grossed out by the attacks on Tim Walz’s son Gus at the Democratic National Convention (I thought kids were supposed to be “off limits,” which is why I’ve never said anything about Barron Trump, for example)...and as we see, Coulter and her lizard-brained, simpatico online nut cases said stuff typically cruel and stoo-pid...and by the way, I give Matt Walsh ZERO points here because his biggest problem with the attacks on Gus Walz is that they reflect an inability to “think strategically”...that’s about what you’d expect from a guttural lowlife like Walsh whose hateful vitriol ends up encouraging bomb threats against a children’s hospital...and I reluctantly have to go along with Figueredo here on the response to the Palestinian protests near the end; yeah, I get it that the Dems need AIPAC, but that doesn’t mean that they can pretend Palestinians don’t exist either...and kudos to former First Lady Michelle Obama for this (NSFW/H)...

...and David Shuster informs us that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg gave it back recently to somebody named Lawrence Jones of Fix Noise over a smorgasbord of wingnut BS (Biden’s too old and incompetent, inflation, gun crime, the border, blah blah...and speaking of The Roger Ailes BS Factory and the Dem convention, I give you this...and in a related item, I give you this)...

...and Emma of The Majority Report presents a brief clip of Bernie Sanders’s speech attacking big $$ in politics (a bit of a veiled reference to AIPAC IMO for dark money spent to unseat Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman in their primaries, though I also think those two had other issues besides the Israel lobby)...

...and sticking with the Dem convention somewhat (that’s where John and Brett Erlich were in this clip), we learn about an ad from Mango Mussolini attacking Harris on the border (God, this is boring!)...using images from Trump’s ruinous term and one from Morocco...womp womp! (this is a bit of a follow-up to the Tennessee Brando clip on Friday)...

...and Kyle Kulinski lets us know about J.D. Vance dodging the question about raising the minimum wage...good point by Kyle about mentioning the PRO Act and the fact that the couch f*cker (allegedly!) didn’t show up for the Senate vote on expanding the child tax credit...oh, and there’s this too (NSFW/H also)....

...and happy belated 70th birthday to Elvis Costello; once read this pretty cool memoir years ago, for what it's worth.

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