Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

David Shuster brings us the sorry tale of the Gropenfuhrer’s latest mess, this time at Arlington National Cemetery, posing for a photo-op in the company of our honored dead, which is pretty despicable and violates guidelines for visitors (here)...I would argue that he wouldn’t give a damn about the wreath-laying ceremony unless he could find a way to try and blame Biden/Harris for our withdrawal from Afghanistan (one response is here)...and Trump is such a military genius (snark) that he freed 5,000 of the Taliban as noted here...and concerning our service people, I’m still waiting for #45 to get the treatment he deserves for this...

Update: And why am I not surprised by this?

Update 8/29/24: So now it appears that "MAGA Mike" Johnson ran interference to get you-know-who into Arlington (here)? I hesitate to say that this is "weird"...but it kind of is.

...and Jesse Dollemore (who actually DID serve) tells us that it sounds like the leader of “Cult 45” is getting ready to bail on the ABC debate with Kamala Harris...and of course there are a whole bunch of misspellings in that ridiculous tweet, including Donna Brazile...and that was a really cool video in support of Harris at the DNC IMO, including questioning “I Like Beer” Brett K. (mildly NSFW/H)...

...and David Doel brings us the results of a recent CNN panel of undecided voters, with two-thirds of those polled saying they would vote for VP Harris...and indeed, getting people off the couch to vote, as Doel puts it, is ALWAYS an issue...and yeah, I think the real estate guy only cares about his wallet and that’s about it (Project 2025 not so much)...mildly NSFW/H also...

Update 8/28/24: Apparently the real estate guy was a Trump plant...figures (here).

Update 8/30/24: God almighty, not again! (here).

...and I know I alluded a bit to J.D. Vance (speaking of "getting off the couch" - heh) and the doughnut shop nonsense yesterday, but Sam, Emma and the crew from The Majority Report have more to say on that here...let’s see, Vance could have asked “Do you work other jobs besides this one?,” “Are any of you in high school or college?,” “Do you support family members?”...yeah, this is about what you would expect from someone trying to maintain a semblance of humanity amidst all of his obvious fakery...simple human decency is obviously a bridge too far for Senator “Hillbilly Elegy”...

...and this “TYT Investigates” clip lets us know about the efforts of Tim Walz to pass the STOCK Act, which is a ban on insider trading, signed into law by former President Obama here; Walz commendably moved this forward with the help of late U.S. House Reps Louise Slaughter (Dem) and Walter Jones (Repug)...I think there should also be a ban on stock trading, period, for federal government officials, but I’m not hopeful about that to be honest...

...and it’s hard for me to believe that it’s been 34 years today since we lost SRV – I think the occasion calls for this tune among his truly memorable body of work.

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