Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Rachel Maddow brings us the story on how the “party of Lincoln” is turning into nothing but a Trumpist cult, turning her (and our) attention to the states...for example, in Michigan, someone in that state’s Repug party was escorted out of a state convention by police (and before anyone has a desire to feel sorry for Pete Hoekstra, allow me to point out his incredibly racist campaign ad some years ago)...and it looks like Flori-DUUH! went through something like that also with Christian Ziegler...and you KNEW Kari Lake in Arizona would show up in this mess somewhere too...and of course Ronna Romney McDaniel was forced out by Mary Trump...and oh yeah, let’s not forget Colorado also (chaos is indeed their brand, people)...

...and Robert Reich reminds us that it’s all about the stinking tax cuts for those “one percent” bastards out there who are willing to help crater our democracy to protect their privilege (and that sure as hell means supporting Combover Caligula)...

...additionally, Lawrence O’Donnell tells us that the DJIA and NASDAQ are apparently reacting favorably to the ascent of Kamala Harris in the polls, and the descent of the Gropenfuhrer (and Jack Smith refiled charges against Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence)...also, O’Donnell brings us Harris’s ad to encourage home ownership, which hits yet another important issue (and draws a contrast with Cantaloupe Capone and his predatory real estate practices)...and boy, is O’Donnell right about the electoral college (slightly NSFW/H at the very end)...

...and Ben Gleib tries to find some semblance of sanity from the leader of “Cult 45”...yeeaahh, it’s not going to happen...

...and this clip from More Perfect Union brings us the awful story of Antonio Gaston, a Stellantis assembly line worker who died on the job; you could make the case that he never should have had to relocate to the plant where he lost his life, but he was forced to go there after a plant closure in Belvidere, Illinois, which Biden, Shawn Fain, and the rest of the UAW are (commendably) fighting...

...and I thought this was a bit of a life-affirming newer tune...advice for us all.

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