Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Stuff

Brittany Page, sitting in for David Pakman, tells us that Bronzer Beelzebub thinks he’d win California in an election if Jesus counted the votes, or something, in an interview with Dr. Phil that was so soft he should have brought a couple of pillows for the occasion (as Page says, even when Our Ochre Abomination is handed the talking points, he still fumbles them...and the CA stuff is yet another self-inflicted mess #45 will be able to just skate past with the help of our corporate media)...I’m not familiar with that quote from Anne Lamott, but it makes sense...

...and Thom Hartmann asks about the miraculously-healing wound in the right ear of the Gropenfuhrer from the Butler, PA shooting...interesting that we apparently haven’t seen any medical records related to the attack from the hospital where #45 was treated – I guess we’re supposed to take it on faith that it happened exactly the way Combover Caligula said it did...well, color me suspicious (and Thom alludes to the ongoing story of the incident at Arlington with Our Treasonous Orange Pustule and his minions...more on that is here...and I think Thom is referring to Evander Holyfield, not Mike Tyson)...

...and Miss Beau offers commentary on the Arlington mess...yep, there was a time when this garbage by itself would have been enough to sink a presidential campaign, but then again, how many damn times have we said that in the past about #45 and his myriad other f*ckups?...

...and OF COUURRRSE, we have this from the demented sociopath running for his old job...
...and Major General (Retired) Paul Eaton discusses the impact of Project 2025 on our military, as well as our country overall really – if you watch no other video in this post, please watch this one...

...and oh look...Cantaloupe Capone posted some particularly nutty memes on Truth Septic in response to Jack Smith refiling charges against him...and of course, what would a Trumpist rant be without at least one misspelling...double check Marc Elias, dude (NSFW/H)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about another recording that has just come out demonstrating that alleged couch-f*cker J.D. Vance is truly one of the most sanctimonious assh*les on the planet, uttering more garbage about being uncomfortable around adults who don’t have biological children...imagine the response if a Democrat actually spouted hateful crap like this...

...and today would have been the 80th birthday of The Eternal Molly Ivins; to say we could use her incisive wit and observations now is an enormous understatement (and I'm pretty sure they were discussing this)...

...and in accordance with my annual tradition heading into the Labor Day weekend, I give you a little “Friday with Frank”; I have a couple of more summer tunes to get to before the official end of the season.

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