Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Stuff

I personally would like to thank President Biden not just for all of the accomplishments of his presidency (a lot of which are noted in this Meidas Touch video I put up last Thursday, starting at about 5:10), but also for his lifetime of service to our country. As I noted in the past, there was a period at this dumb blog where I couldn’t possibly imagine Biden rising to the presidency...well, there’s a reason he’s an accomplished political professional and yours truly is a nondescript online scribbler trying to post logical and coherent content.

I have it on reliable background from Mrs. Doomsy (a health care professional) that Biden shows the signs of early stage Parkinsons (but don’t “take that to the bank” – I have no inside dirt on that to be sure) and he’s received multiple treatments for COVID. I’m not trying to argue that that by itself is disqualifying, but given what someone lives under when they hold what likely is the most important job in the world, it would be awfully difficult to hold down the job of President under those circumstances.

One bright spot in this, for me, is to consider the following – suppose he aced the July debate but became totally unglued in the September one (assuming that will still happen...the debate, I mean). At least this way, Dems have some time to put together a campaign with Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket.

Oh, and I’ll now also wait for the avalanche of process stories from our glorious fourth estate asking if Mango Mussolini is too old, how coherent HIS public words are, wondering is HE has diagnosed health issues (a clip on that follows), and also wondering if HE has lost down-ballot support. This is only fair given the literal AVALANCHE of such coverage on Biden.

What follows is the Lincoln Project video from the day of Biden’s inauguration – he had a heavy load to bring this country out of COVID and fix our economy, and as far as I’m concerned, he and Vice President Harris did a spectacular job...

...and returning to more of the typical political flotsam, Farron Cousins tells us that King Elon I wants to donate $45 mil a month to the Gropenfuhrer...if that isn’t a reason to sign up for Bluesky and/or Threads, I don’t know what is...Google Elon Musk and ketamine and see what responses you get – terrific point by Cousins that Musk is such an idiot for endorsing the guy who wants to get rid of electric cars, which would decimate Tesla sales...

...and oh yeah, David Shuster brings us a video from an anti-Trump group apparently headed by George Conway – it all helps, but I have to admit that I’m uncomfortable with Conway throwing around terms dealing with Cantaloupe Capone’s mental state...I think he’s nuts too, and yes, I’ve referred to him as a sociopath, but I also acknowledge that I’m not a medical professional, and I don’t believe Conway is either (and the Tinder stuff doesn’t surprise me in the least – heh)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen speaks with election lawyer Marc Elias about what Our Ochre Abomination would do concerning Project 2025 and Schedule F employees...and in terms of media BS, look at the drumbeat that ultimately forced out Biden, AND TRUMP ISN’T EVEN BACK IN POWER YET! IF, GOD FORBID, HE RETURNS, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK THE FOURTH ESTATE WILL DO THEN??!! (NSFW/H)...

...and RIP Sheila Jackson Lee - in my book, a titan of the U.S. House, a body run by small-minded bottom feeders at this moment, sadly...

...and I offer the following without much comment because I think not much is needed, really.

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