Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Stuff

Richard Ojeda of Rebel HQ brings us this nonsense of Maria Bartiromo allowing Ron Johnson (Idiot-WI) from “the world’s greatest deliberative body” to opine on the assassination attempt against Dementia J. Trump in Butler, PA...see, RoJo is looking for the “missing shooter” hiding in the book depository or the grassy knoll, or something...and oh yeah, add wackadoodle Tim Burchett to the unsightly wingnut mix also (you remember this assclown, right? The guy who said we can’t do anything about gun violence after a mass shooting in his state, as noted here? Oh, and along comes Mike Huckabee at the end; let’s not forget Huckabee’s role in what happened with this guy)...

...well, in response, I give you this clip from Guy Cohen of Occupy Democrats, in which FBI Director Christopher Wray tells us that this Thomas Crooks guy was just randomly Googling information to apparently take out someone from a group of individuals, and lo and behold, there just happened to be a Trump yeah, definitely not some deep, dark Dem conspiracy here, even though Big Stupid Head Matt Gaetz took a break from trying to have sex with underage girls (allegedly!) to try and corner Wray in the matter of President Biden’s alleged cognitive decline (and speaking of Wray, I thought this was interesting)...

...meanwhile, if you want to see “cognitive decline” for real, allow me to provide a couple of examples...first, Our Ochre Abomination talks about rounding up mothers with small children into camps as mentioned in Project 2025, with J.D. Vance almost snickering in response...and OF COURSE Cantaloupe Capone is lying about wind is one response...and God, what a psychopath! (here...and here is more on what J.D. Vance is doing to the GOP ticket...good times)...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us our second example, where Our Treasonous Orange Pustule wants generals to be replaced by football coaches and NASCAR drivers...I know I linked to this a couple of days ago, but as far as I’m concerned, it definitely bears repeating...and I think it’s proof positive that NOBODY is able to put a filter on this sweaty, bulbous lunatic given that HE’S STILL TALKING ABOUT HANNIBAL FREAKING LECTER!!...

...and once again, leave it to Pete Buttigieg to point out what the “party of No” is really all about; I don’t know if he’s going to end up as the VP nominee or not, but the Dems could do plenty worse, that’s for sure (“When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a culture war” indeed)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us about the justifiable protests aimed at “Bibi” Netanyahu timed for his recent speech before Congress, a privilege that NEVER should have been granted (and I think it’s unintentionally hilarious that those complaining about Rashida Tlaib’s protest as shown in the pic are the same life forms who had no problem with the heckling that Presidents Biden and Obama were treated to when they addressed the legislative branch...and my God, 150K to 250K civilians in Gaza dead? Just no words...and there was a time when I couldn’t stand Peter Beinart because I thought he was a DC centrist apologist for Israel, but he has definitely “seen the light” to his credit)...

...and Leeja Miller brings us another terrific “deep dive,” this time on Leonard Leo...didn’t know about the “Marble Freedom Trust” until I saw this, though maybe I should have...also didn’t know about this Morton Blackwell character and the role he played during the awful two terms of The Sainted Ronnie R...”as we know, there are few motivators more potent than a white man’s persecution complex” indeed...sorry for Leo’s personal history with his daughter, but Miller is right; that is ABSOLUTELY NO GODDAMN REASON to force your beliefs down everyone else’s throats by doing all you can to ensure that rabidly “pro-life” rulings are handed down from our Philistines in robes on the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR...I’d heard of the Judicial Crisis Network also, but I didn’t know it was renamed to The Concord Fund; typical subterfuge from these guttersnipes...I think all lefties, myself included, should pay special attention to the last 2:00 of this clip in particular (NSFW/H)...

...and the one and only John Mayall has left us...RIP.

And with that, I now take a mini break for a couple of days. I’ll plan to get going with this again next week.

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