Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Sharon Reed of Rebel HQ brings us Bo-Bo Boebert trying to ambush EPA administrator Mark Regan with nonsense on how his agency’s regulations supposedly costs taxpayers billions of dollars and killed jobs in Boebert’s district...since the rep from CO-03 (oh, excuse me...I forgot that she did her “carpetbagger” thing and went to CO-04) was typically too damn lazy to provider her citations (I mean, assuming that Boebert wasn’t just making up this nonsense, and I know I shouldn’t assume that), I’m not going to try to do her work for her (well, I did a cursory Google search and found absolutely nothing – big surprise...and what the $#@! Is going on with her hair??!! Fortunately, Dan Goldman is also on hand for the reality-based perspective)...usually I’m not the biggest fan of Reed, but she’s been doing good work lately to be honest (and to do something about Boebert, click here....oh, and speaking of the EPA under Biden, I give you this)...

...and I thought Beau was typically correct here in pointing out that Joe Manchin wants to toss the metaphorical turd in the punch bowl, as it were, to make things easier for the “party of Lincoln” and the Gropenfuhrer (and Manchin's lack of an endorsement of Kamala Harris means absolutely less than nothing, as Beau pretty much says)...Beau is also correct on Obama having to play things “close to the vest,” as it were, to keep order, which, fortunately, seems to be happening...that being said, now that our fourth estate stenographers have done their bit to push out Biden, look for ANOTHER AVALANCHE of “process stories” along the lines of “oh, the Dems were so divided in 1968 that there were riots in the street with police beating up protestors, and they ALSO had a last-minute candidate that year, and it was ALSO in Chicago, blah blah blah” (and I can just about guarantee you that @peterbakernyt will be in the sorry, sordid mix somewhere)...

...and Jesse Dollemore brings us this Kamala Harris ad from 2019 when she ran in the Dem presidential primary, won by Biden of course; I agree with Jesse – I don’t think Harris needs to change a was spot-on then, and it’s spot-on now...

...and Robert Reich lets us know that Bronzer Beelzebub recently bleated that he doesn’t know anything about Project 2025, which is about as truthful a remark as you can expect from of the reasons why that’s a typically stoo-pid lie is because OFFICIALS FROM HIS RUINOUS TERM ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE IN IT!...

...and Farron Cousins tells us about supporters of Our Ochre Abomination falling for a fake post of Trump bragging that his ear grew back after the shooting...I admit that I’m including this partly to note what gullible fools Trump supporters are, but also to mention that there are folks out there like K.O. questioning the story of whether or not Trump’s ear was even hit by a bullet at all...I have no “inside scoop” or anything on that, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out that the damage to his ear was instead caused by broken glass from a shattered teleprompter that was hit or something else...

...and Kyle Kulinski tells us that it looks like Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence didn’t get much of a bump in the polls as a result of the shooting and his typically rambling, barely coherent RNC speech (I detest Frank Luntz, but I know he looks at the data on this stuff); I definitely agree with the “take” that people’s opinions of the leader of Cult 45 are pretty much formed by now one way or the other (NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of speeches, Bernie Sanders tells us why he, commendably, won’t be attending the one “Bibi” is planning to give Congress, which will be today apparently (more here)...

...and here is another seasonal selection.

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