Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

I thought this was a pretty well-done clip to help kick-start the Kamala Harris for President campaign from The Lincoln Project...and I saw a post online from Markos Moulitsas at Daily Kos soon after Biden announced that he was ending his campaign, and Markos acknowledged everybody who was still furious about the way Biden was pushed out, and you can add me to that group...yes, there very likely are health issues going on with #46, but to me, that doesn’t excuse the absolutely sickening feeding frenzy by the guttural, cretinous journalistic pretenders out there who helped shove Biden out the door (including absolutely screaming headlines about the “Biden crime family” from The Daily Beast, which was once respectable), as well as the cowardly collapse of Biden support from the usual political suspects like Jared Golden of Maine, as well as Sherrod Brown – the latter, to me, was utterly incomprehensible (oh, and George Clooney, Rob Reiner, Stephen King? You a-holes better do all you can to help win independent voters; as is just about always the case, that group to me is the biggest question mark out there)...

(And here is another example of how the media was completely “in the tank” for Biden to drop out...you would THINK there would actually be some description of the 18 Biden appearances noted in the headline, but nooooo – there is barely anything...this turns into yet another “process” piece on Biden not doing well in the first debate, the drum beat of weak-kneed Dem pols and donors wanting him to go...”does he have the stamina to keep up,” etc.)

Update: This may be the absolutely stoo-pidest idea for an alleged “news” column I’ve ever seen (from “that f*cking newspaper,” as Atrios would put it).
What’s next? A detailed critique of the margins by which Biden lost states in the 2020 contest too?


Update 7/25/24: And speaking of our beyond-useless corporate media, there is also this.

Here is the Lincoln Project clip...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report remind us that, to date, Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence apparently hasn’t reached out to the widow of the guy who was killed in the Butler, PA rally (and I’m pretty sure I pointed that out already), but it also looks like this guy also wasn’t even remembered by those mouth breathers at the RNC hatefest in Milwaukee also? Aside from being the humane thing to do, that bunch would have scored political points by doing that, but apparently they were too busy with their “OMIGOD THE LORD SAVED BLESSED DONALD J. TRUMP FOR US” act to show basic human decency (and based on this, I guess they want to Make Mass Deportation Great Again...figures...NSFW/H)...

...and speaking of that sh*tshow from last week, Jesse Dollemore brings us this clip of CNN’s Daniel Dale heroically trying to debunk the lies from Combover Caligula’s acceptance speech...

...and I don’t know if Pete Buttigieg is going to end up as the VP nominee or not, but based on how well he does with the media and testifying before Congress, I think he’d be a hell of a choice – here, Buttigieg quite rightly calls out J.D. Vance, #45’s VP selection (Brian Tyler Cohen tells us more here...and Cohen ABSOLUTELY NAILS IT in his summary of Dem accomplishments at the end)...

...and Leeja Miller gives us another well done “deep dive” into the Loper v. Raimondo SCOTUS case that overturned the so-called “Chevron doctrine”...she ties the horrible SCOTUS ruling overturning Chevron to the “unitary executive” BS from The Sainted Ronnie R and given life under Dubya...I mean, yeah, I can understand how the “fishbois” could be PO’ed about having to pay for boat inspectors or whatever, but THAT’S NO GODDAMN REASON TO TELL THE FWS TO POUND SAND!!...terrific analysis of Kagan’s dissent in the case overturning Chevron...and yeah, it figures that Gorsuch would confuse “nitrogen oxide” with “nitrous oxide”...yeah, I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy over these Philistines in robes now making regulatory decisions...sure I am (NSFW/H also)...

...and RIP Abdul “Duke” Fakir, the last surviving member of the original lineup of The Four Tops (and take note of the amazing bass line in this song from James Jamerson of the “Funk Brothers”).

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