Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday Stuff

Brett Erlich of The Damage Report named Dementia J. Trump as his “garbage person” recently for #45’s approval of a “Never Surrender” banner getting unveiled at Yankee Stadium during the national anthem, which, as Erlich quite rightly informs us, is hypocritical at the very least considering Bronzer Beelzebub’s reaction to Colin Kaepernick’s decision to take a knee during the anthem for reasons that made a hell of a lot more sense...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report lets us know about the Supremes approving a racist gerrymander in South Carolina...I think Figueredo means that all the SC districts are represented by Republicans EXCEPT James Clyburn’s...yeah, this whole “presumption of legislative good faith” is every bit the utter BS that you can expect from our Philistines in robes on the High Court, and yeah, this falls right into the laps of Alito and Thomas, and Figueredo goes over the Alito flag stuff again, which is fine by me...and once again, AOC nails it...and in a related matter, it appears that more lunacy is coming from this bunch based on this (NSFW/H)...

...and David Doel lets us know about the ICJ ruling about Israel’s incursion into Rafah and a commencement speech by Harvard graduate Shruthi Kumar; apparently the university (or its parent corp?) isn’t going to let 13 pro-Palestinian students graduate (I don’t know about you, but I smell a lawsuit coming...hope so anyway)...and yeah, the attacks against Karim Khan of the ICC are about as ridiculous as you can expect, especially from Huckleberry Graham...

....and I’d been meaning to get to this video since I got back, and I’m finally doing that now...Leeja Miller explains why everything is more expensive, and she chalks it up to corporate mergers and price gouging...basically, about 806 billionaires can hire all the lobbyists to write governmental rules however they want...the clip ties into the importance of antitrust law, with important history from that era dating back to the late 1800s, including that dealing with magnates John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and George Pullman (and I didn’t know about Pullman protecting his casket from workers who might abuse his corpse, which I have to admit is a whole other level of crazy...and examining the legacy of TR is a whole other subject, but to be fair, he indeed stepped up antitrust enforcement when he ascended to the White House) is a GREAT primer on how unregulated monopolies can get totally out of hand, effectively screwing over all of us and potentially (or, in the case of Nazi Germany, ACTUALLY) leading to of the nearly forgotten names who are responsible for our current sorry state is indeed Aaron Director of the Chicago School of Economics, and I’m glad to see his metaphorical feet held to the fire once more...didn’t know the history of the IBM and AT&T antitrust lawsuits, to be honest, and how that led to the innovations that I believe have been overall positives for the way we live now...and yes, kudos to No Malarkey Joe for stepping up antitrust enforcement, which is yet another issue where the Dems should be doing a better job of messaging to voters (and I know this is a recording...and you can definitely count yours truly as a “neo-Brandeisian”...NSFW/H also)...

...and I thought this was a well-done Lincoln Project video with today’s holiday in mind...

...and every once in awhile for the holiday, I include the following tune because, to me, it speaks to military heroism in the face of great personal sacrifice...


...which is something the above individual will never, ever understand.

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